Quotations: Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijan has become one of the centers of multiculturalism in the world, and this honorary status is already recognized by the world community. It is no coincidence that by my Order we declared 2016 a Year of Multiculturalism in Azerbaijan. I believe that such an initiative was the first of its kind in the world. This demonstrates our intentions. Having declared 2016 a Year of Multiculturalism, we, first of all, wanted to introduce Azerbaijan to the world the way it is. We wanted to show that multiculturalism in Azerbaijan is both a state policy and a way of life. At the same time, we tried to attract the attention of the world community to this issue.

From the speech at the official opening ceremony of the 6th International Humanitarian Forum

Representatives of various religions and nations lived in Azerbaijan like one family in the conditions of peace, friendship and tranquility for centuries, and this policy continues today. Our state policy in this direction is very effective and leads to excellent results. Our historical past and culture show that representatives of various religions have always lived peacefully like one family in Azerbaijan. Our historical and religious monuments speak volumes about our ancient history and show that Azerbaijan was a native land and a native place for representatives of various religions.

From the speech at the official opening ceremony of the 6th International Humanitarian Forum

Our country has hosted numerous representative international events on interreligious and intercultural dialogue. Among them, I can mention the 7th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations. The Forum on Intercultural Dialogue and the Baku Humanitarian Forum, which have been held several times and have already become traditional, also dedicate their work primarily to the interreligious and intercultural dialogue. The fact that such international events are held in our country is only natural. First of all, Azerbaijan has always played a positive role among civilizations, is a bridge between Asia and Europe from geographical and cultural standpoints, and also from a political point of view now.

From the speech at the "2017- Year of Islamic Solidarity: Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue" international conference held in Baku

I believe that the alternatives to multiculturalism are xenophobia, discrimination, racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. These are extremely dangerous trends. We have repeatedly seen in history what terrible implications the strengthening of these trends can have. Therefore, all progressive mankind should unite around the ideas and ideals of multiculturalism. We must demonstrate an unequivocal position here. We, in turn, by showing our activities and efforts to the world and the atmosphere existing in our country, demonstrate that this is possible. Multiculturalism has many addresses in the world, and Azerbaijan is one of them. We will continue trying to strengthen these positive trends, both in the international arena, and in the country and region.

From the speech at the official opening ceremony of the 5th Baku International Humanitarian Forum in Baku

Azerbaijan is known worldwide as a country of national, religious and ethnic tolerance and brotherhood. This is already a reality, especially in the present circumstances, when there are stand-offs in various parts of the world. There are wars on religious and ethnic grounds. Azerbaijan is showing an example in this area as well.

From the speech at the opening of Yalama Agropark